Terms and Conditions


Various engagements, including but not limited to webinars, seminars, workshops, and other events (collectively referred to as "engagements"), are organized by High School Moms (HSM) for students, parents, and educators. HSM does not endorse the programs, products, or services of the participating individuals, universities, institutions, or organizations (hereafter referred to as "participants").

Acceptance and Refusal of Proposals

HSM reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or refuse proposals for association on one or multiple engagements (whether virtual or in-person) presented by any participant. HSM may choose to provide or withhold justification for its decisions.

Payment Terms

Participants agree to pay all fees, charges, and/or other expenses as per the services availed from HSM. Payment must be made 100% in advance, no later than 10 days before the scheduled engagement. If payment is not received by this deadline, HSM reserves the right to terminate the participant's invitation to the engagement.

Liability for Confirmed Participation

Once a participant provides written confirmation of participation in any engagement, they are liable to pay 100% of the agreed fees, charges, and/or other expenses. In the event that a participant fails to attend the engagement, no refund or rescheduling will be provided, and the participant remains liable for the full amount.

No Refund Policy

All fees, charges, and/or other expenses paid to HSM are non-refundable under any circumstances. Participants will receive a Proforma Invoice upon written confirmation of participation, and a Tax Invoice will be issued upon successful receipt of full payment.

Third-Party Charges

HSM will not provide any compensation, refund, or credit, nor will it be liable for any charges, fees, or expenses paid or owed directly by the participant to third parties, including but not limited to internet service providers or web-based meeting providers (e.g., FaceTime, Zoom).

Marketing and Participation

HSM will market the engagement to drive participation but makes no guarantees regarding the number of participants. Participants grant HSM the right to use their name, images, logos, and other collateral in all forms of media, including advertising on social media, in connection with the engagement.

Data Sharing and GDPR Compliance

The data of attendees, limited to that of students and parents, generated for the participant from the engagement will be shared within 10 working days of the engagement, upon successful receipt of payment. The sharing of the complete data set is at the sole discretion of HSM, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. HSM adheres to GDPR compliance and ensures that all data-sharing practices conform to GDPR guidelines.

Recording and Media Use

HSM may record the engagement, and participants waive the right to inspect or approve any versions of such recordings or the written content used in connection with them.

Health and Safety Requirements for In-Person Engagements

Participants interested in in-person engagements must be fully (double) vaccinated at least 30 days prior to the engagement. Alternatively, participants who have not received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination must produce a negative RT-PCR test report, no more than 48 hours old, to gain access to the event.

If a participant contracts COVID-19 or any of its variants before, during, or after the engagement, they must immediately inform HSM and agree to indemnify HSM and its affiliates from any claims, without any entitlement to compensation.

Participants must comply with thermal scanning at the entry point of the engagement. If their body temperature exceeds 99°F after a second scan, they will not be permitted to attend the engagement and will be required to maintain social distance.

Force Majeure

If HSM is unable to conduct any engagement due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to technological issues, natural disasters, pandemics, or government actions (a "Force Majeure Event"), the participant acknowledges that no refund will be provided. Instead, any amounts paid will be credited toward a rescheduled or future engagement.

In the event of a Force Majeure Event that changes, hinders, prevents, cancels, or postpones an engagement, HSM shall not be in breach of these terms, and all other obligations shall continue if not similarly affected.

Cancellation and Withdrawal

If a participant chooses to cancel or withdraw from an engagement up to 20 days before the event, they are liable to pay 100% of the fees. If cancellation occurs before 20 days, the amount paid may be credited toward a future engagement.

Changes to Engagement Schedule

HSM reserves the right to make changes to the engagement schedule, including but not limited to dates, locations, and technology used. Participants will be informed of any changes as soon as feasible.

Videotaping and Copyright

To maintain a professional atmosphere and prevent copyright infringement, HSM does not permit the videotaping of engagement proceedings without express written permission.

Indemnity and Liability

Participants assume responsibility and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless HSM, its affiliates, subsidiaries, members, agents, directors, officers, and employees against any claims or expenses arising from their participation in the engagement.

In the event that HSM seeks legal remedy to collect amounts due from the participant, all charges related to the collection of unpaid amounts will become the sole responsibility of the participant.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the state of Gurgaon, Haryana, without regard to conflicts of law principles.


If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to any law, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.